Have you ever heard Mesothelioma? I never heard about it either, until one of my friend tell me about this disease. At first i thought it some kind of tree. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that develops from the protective lining that covers many of the body's internal organs, the mesotheliom. It is usually caused by exposure to asbestos.This article by Md Fatih Ul Hasan is talking about Remedy of Mesothelioma that is explain more details about mesothelioma.
Mesothelioma is a symptom of cancer that occurs in the membranes usually called the Mesothelium. It affects the lungs, chest, heart and sometimes the abdomen. It can be just benign or malignant in nature. Due to the extended latency period, the sufferer of Mesothelioma is the people of age between 45 to 65 years. Men are mostly attacked by Mesothelioma as they do expose themselves to asbestos in industrial work.
The symptoms of Mesothelioma are abdominal problems, weight loss and chronicle disease. Severe Mesothelioma symptoms may include shortness of breath, respiratory problems, pneumonia and continual cough. In some cases, it becomes harder for the doctors to diagnosis Mesothelioma as the symptoms of it are muted in the body.
Generally, malignant Mesotheliomas are of three types:
• Sarcomatoid
• Mixed/Biphasic
• Epithelioid
Malignant Mesothelioma starts affecting from the chest cavity. No more than 20% of the malignant Mesothelioma begins from the abdominal cavity. In a very few occasions, we get pericardial Mesothelioma.
Doctors only who have specializtion on Mesothelioma give the treatment. In this disease, the body cells become abnormal. These cells spread the whole body and finally cause death.
There are many options available treating Mesothelioma. It includes radiation therapy, surgery, chemotherapy etc. However, the treatment depends upon the age of the patient, health condition and the phase of the cancer. Lots of research going and new technologies are taking place for the treatment of Mesothelioma.
The National Cancer Institute has financed for the treatment of Mesothelioma. The United state government and NCI both have paid a lot of concentration on this disease as the rate of this diseases going higher day by day. Clinical trials and Mesothelioma research have become successful in expanding innovative techniques to fight against cancer and treatments that are more advanced has been promised to deliver.
Surgery has become the optimum choice for the treatment of Mesothelioma. Doctors remove the tissues been affected by the Mesothelioma. Another treatment, the radiation therapy also been common to the treatment of Mesothelioma and a high energy X-rays destroy the cancer cells. The dose of the radiation can be applied from the inside of the body or even from the outside. Chemotherapy is applied in a severe situation of Mesothelioma. Chemotherapy is applied using needles having drugs or pills inside. These drugs destroy cancer cells.
Intraoperative photodynamic therapy is the new treatment of Mesothelioma. Drugs and lights both are used simultaneously for this therapy to destroy the cancer cell.
These therapies have numerous side effects having nausea, organ damage, heart failures etc. Let us hope that one day we will not have this disease any more or at least we have vaccine for it.
You may collect more information about Mesothalioma on the internet or specially visit this site [http://Mesotheliomainformationnow.blogspot.com] to get plenty of information about it.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Md._Fatih_Ul_Hasanhttp://EzineArticles.com/?Remedy-of-Mesothelioma&id=4829447
Now i know what is Mesothelioma. Luckily i am not working or stay in industrial area nevertheless don't let the disease harm our self, eat healthily and do exercise This article is only for review purposes, Please seek medical advices for more details